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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

VEHICLES OF CONSCIENCE: My Cause for Self-Aware Driving Habits

One of my most salient activism projects is to increase the awareness of motorists, not just about safer driving habits, but better driving ATTITUDES. Like why tailgating isn't just rude and unsafe, but does nothing to help you out and everything to undermine your stress-reduction on the road. Or, why letting people merge ahead of you (regardless if they deserve it or not) and backing off a good space will in fact not only prevent traffic congestion, but will actually get rid of it (even one person can make a difference in the traffic wave, for a time).

is a driving philosophy community with a goal to help improve commutes by promoting better driver attitudes. You can find it on Facebook.

I have been trying to spread more awareness about VEHICLES OF CONSCIENCE, so if you think this Facebook group is worthy, please share it with others.

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